Stay Gold Fund
Stay Gold Fund provides finish-line grants for gender-affirming medical procedures.
Our application for the first round of grants has closed. We are in the process of reviewing applications.
If you have submitted an application, we will have more information by mid-October. If you missed this round, join our mailing list and follow us on Instagam to stay updated.
Gender affirming medical care is vital for the happiness and well being of many transgender people. For those of us who choose to, changing our outside to better match how we feel on the inside is a beautiful and exciting part of our transformation.
But expensive medical procedures are difficult for most of us to get due to financial barriers. Sometimes we find paths, but are blocked by a high copay; or we have saved all the money we can, but still come up short. Sometimes it’s the last hurdle that’s the hardest. Stay Fold Fund helps get you over that last hurdle by providing finish-line grants to cover a portion of your expense. We annually award grants up to $10,000 to applicants living in New York City.
We award grants on an annual basis. Each year, we award up to $10,000.
To be eligible, applicants must:
Live in New York City
Have raised or saved at least 30% of the cost of their procedure, or have at least 30% of the cost of the procedure covered by insurance
Have identified and contacted a doctor or surgeon for their procedure
Demonstrate emotional urgency
Be able to demonstrate a support system that can see to their needs in the weeks that follow gender affirming care.
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After we process your request, we will contact you with an estimated shipping date.